
Three habits for better running (and health)

Three habits for better running (and health)

I’m not one for the whole Resolutions thing. While the idea of flicking a switch on 1st January and creating a new and improved me may be appealing, I’ve done that and failed too many times to believe in big goals and instant changes.

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned from more than five years of Chi Running is the power of incremental change.

The power of gradual progress

The power of gradual progress

ChiRunning’s taught me a great deal, about my running and myself. But the biggest lesson is the power of gradual progress: learning slowly day by day, baby step by baby step. Taking the time to master each stage before moving to the next, until what seemed impossibly difficult becomes simple, natural, part of who you are. Gradual progress has taken me from perennially injured runner, barely able to run for 20 minutes, to completing my first marathon for 12 years.